Don’t forget to purchase your 2022-2023 yearbook. You receive 2 custom pages for free that are only in your book. Want more pages? Each additional 2 pages are just $0.99.
School’s Passcode is 1016022593103699
The last day to personalize your pages are April 11, 2023.
6th grade parents, please don’t forget to upload your child’s baby photo.
Anyone can upload pictures for the yearbook. This includes things like class parties, school events, field trips, eagle eats, etc.
We are in need to photos for the Yearbook.
Photos for the whole yearbook
• Class parties, School events, field trips, eagle eats, teachers, staff etc…
o Log in
o Find appropriate album- Event or Teacher
o Add photo!
Photos for YOUR personal FREE pages.
Log into and add photos to your child’s account. This can be done from your phone or computer.
1. Click my photos
2. Add photos
These will only be printed in your yearbook! More pages can be added!
• 1st day of school
• Personal Projects
• Best friends
• Sibling Photos
• Photos from kinder-6th grade