Back to School Checklist
To help families get started off on the right foot, we’ve put together a Welcome Back Checklist! Please take a moment to go through the checklist and complete the tasks.
Join/Renew PTA Membership
Let your voice be heard and become a PTA member. Membership is needed for voting.
Sign the waiver
Before school activities start up sign the PTA event waiver for your children. 1 waiver covers the whole family all year.
Waiver Form
Fall Pledge
Make a donation while also stocking up on spiritwear. We created several pledge packages to choose.
Buy your Yearbook
We are using Treering again this year.
Want to get involved in a school activity or classroom support, fill out the form. Even if you can only give 1 hour it's a huge help.
Buy School Supplies
Our teachers have put together supplies list for each class grade.
Teacher's Favorites
Bookmark the teacher's favorites list to help with ideas throughout the school year.